JFRD helps Alachua County prepare for disaster

JFRD helps Alachua County prepare for disaster

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Alachua County officials say they are more prepared today to handle the next major disaster thanks to the federal government and the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department.

The county is now home to the state’s second ambulance bus.

The 42-foot-long medical service ambulance bus is equipped to handle mass casualty situations.

Officials say the county was able to obtain the $495,000 vehicle at no cost through a federal grant and because of their longstanding cooperative relationship with JFRD.

“What the county is responsible for now is just the routine care and maintenance on the vehicle, and if it’s called for regional deployment, then we send our personnel with it,” said Alachua County Fire Rescue Chief Ed Bailey.

The only other emergency vehicle of its type is stationed in Jacksonville.