Bus-sized ambulance to be unveiled in Fort Worth


Bus-sized ambulance to be unveiled in Fort Worth


A new, bus-sized ambulance is being unveiled Friday that can be used to transport as many as 15 patients to local hospitals during major disasters or mass-casualty incidents.

Called AMBUS, the vehicle was awarded through a grant to MedStar by the North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council and is designed to be used for local, state and national emergencies. It is one of four in the region and is part of a partnership between MedStar and the Fort Worth Fire Department.

Last week, the JPS Health Network and Texas Health Resources provided medical supplies in case AMBUS was called to deploy to Hurricane Isaac, an example of the type of incidents where it could be used.

“The three-way partnership, the FWFD (Fort Worth Fire Department) and our local hospitals is a perfect example of how these relationships made a $500,000 asset available to residents in the region,” said Douglas Hooten, executive director of MedStar, in a news release.

The vehicle will be housed at Fire Station 5. When it is activated, it will be driven by Fire Department personnel with MedStar providing staff and supplies.

Bill Hanna, 817-390-7698

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/09/07/4238615/bus-sized-ambulance-to-be-unveiled.html#storylink=cpy