EMTF-2 Succesfully Deploys During REGEX TRINITY

EMTF-2 Succesfully Deploys During REGEX TRINITY

On May 23, 2012, REGEX TRINTY was held to provide a full-scale exercise of the MTF-2 components. This exercise marked the first time that EMTF-2 lead by NCTTRAC was able to bring all of the EMTF-2 strike team components together to simulate an activation and subsequent deployment response to a disruption in the medical infrastructure of the TSA-E geographical area.

This exercise was based on information gathered from the after action feedback from the real-world severe weather incident on April 3rd and was built upon and preceded by regional functional exercise Trinity on April 19th.

The scenario was based on an outbreak of severe weather that produces several catastrophic tornadoes, damaging the infrastructure of the local healthcare organizations. In addition to medical infrastructure collapse, this incident also caused multiple failures in communication, information technology and electrical services within the region exhausting local resources and requiring the need for regional and State assistance.