PA Region 13 Lower Kiski MAB responded to a natural gas leak at a nursing home and transported (7) patients
On Friday night, 116 MAB was requested to assist Station 106 at Wofford’s Cherry Lane Manor Assisted Living facility in Apollo PA. for multiple patients ill from a natural gas leak. Total patients reported to be 17. Multiple units from 106, as well as Lower Kiski Medic 116-3, responded. Lower Kiski MAB was able to be staffed entirely by off-duty personnel, allowing an ALS crew to remain in service for the area, as well as Medic 3 to be able to respond as the additional Ambulance.
MAB transported 7 symptomatic patients to Allegheny Valley Hospital 45 minutes away, including 1 acute ALS patient, while the remaining patients were transported to Forbes Regional Hospital and University of Pittsburgh-East. Allegheny Valley Hospital staff were alerted early on in the incident by the transport officer and awaiting our arrival with ancillary staff to assist with offloading patients. Upon arrival of the MAB hospital personnel boarded the unit to receive report while unloading commenced. All 7 patients were offloaded and care transferred to staff in 7 minutes!